Thursday, February 4, 2010

Major Update

Well, as you can tell by the lack of blogs (which there weren't many of to begin with, but still...), I've been very busy lately.
I never came back to tell you all(?) that I got the job!!!!!!
Yes, it's super exciting for me. =)
As of tomorrow, I will have worked there exactly 7 weeks. ;D
It's been a crazy whirlwind of action since I started there, and the office (just like any other, I presume) has some big politics, but since I came late, I can sort of just skate by. And it's been great! It really has.
Other than that, I helped plan a friend's bridal shower, have paid off my credit card, and am now going to start looking into drivers ed classes.
Yeah, I know, a 21 year old who has never even gotten her permit. Kinda' sad. But hey, I just never had the money, and you do what you can.
So, that's pretty much all that's being going on in my life up until this point.
Sure, there have been other little things on the side, but those are the highlights.
I'll try to update y'all again soon!

1 comment:

  1. Hey BT it has been a while. How's it going? Hope you had a great New Years and congrats on the new job. Don't feel bad about not having your permit I didn't get mine till I was 26 and my license at 27. Good luck with everything.

    Till later,

