Monday, November 23, 2009

The Ups And Downs

So, this holiday season is pretty bittersweet at this point.
My father's sister just passed away a week and a half ago. She had cancer for the past 3(?) years and it finally took her life on Thursday, the 12th. So, my dad went down to Florida to be with his family and he just got back yesterday.
On the brighter side, though, my cousin (this aunt's daughter) had a baby boy the day before his grandmother passed away.
We're all thinking she held on just one more day for him, but for the last two weeks of her life, she went in and out of coherency, so it's hard to tell.
My grandmother took it really hard, but she's being strong for everyone, and the rest of the family is a complete wreck.

Not to speak ill of the dead, but my aunt didn't seem to like our family (unresolved issues I still don't know 100% about), and we weren't that close with her or her family.
So I have mixed emotions.
On the one hand, I'm sad that we lost her, but on the other hand, I'm thinking that with her gone, we may actually be able to become closer with our cousins.

The whole situation just hasn't been dealt with well. It's really awkward.

But, we're supposed to be going to my other grandparents for Thanksgiving, and if my cousins from my mom's side are gonna' be there, it'll be a ton of fun. =D

And we have a new "aunt" who wants to buy us all gifts, even though we told her she really doesn't have to. So that's fun. =)

And I want to make a holiday party. So now I have to plan all that out. But some of my out of town friends said they might come in for it, so I should really get started on that.

Oh! And I have to set up an interview the first week of Dec!!!!
That's so close!
I'm SOOOOOO excited!!!!!
I really need a job!
Wish me luck!
Oooh, I don't know if I have an interview outfit..... I should really look for one now....

Happy Holidays, everyone!

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