Tuesday, September 15, 2009

La La La La LIFE! =)

Yep! I'm blogging on my blogger! I was on my gmail and just clicked over for a sec and got the idea to blog, so here I am! =D
**I apologize in advance to anyone who takes the time to read this - I might ramble a little. Ok, a lot. XD

Life seems to keep getting the best of me and those I know. Sometimes good, sometimes not so good.
I have a few other blogs online that nobody really knows about, but I haven't written to any of them in months. I was busy with school for a while, which is why I didn't have a chance, but now I do nothing all day except job hunt and totally bum around. NOT good.
I've officially decided that I'm jealous of all those little high school/middle schoolers! They complain about school work and homework, but they really have no idea how lucky they are to have structure and socializing opportunities in their lives! All of my friends are at colleges across the world or working or married with kids already! I hardly see most of them except for weddings and stuff.
I'm turning 21 on Friday and I still feel like I belong in 11th grade. It's ridiculous! lol

So yeah, I really want to get into a graphics design school, but it costs more than I have and they don't take financial aid/pell grants. NOT good.
So, that leaves me to either make the $22,000 myself, find another career, or take out a loan. Taking out a loan for that much is really not as easy as it sounds. I don't exactly have credit, and the people I know who do have credit are afraid to be a co-signer because of the way the economy is going. NOT good.
But I really don't think I have the head or skills for any other career! Unless I go into teaching, but with the way the youth of today acts, I don't think I want to be stuck in a classroom with any of them for hours every day. =(

So what do I do?
Well, I've decided to try and design a few things and stick them on t-shirts, hats, bags, whatever, and see if I can find people to buy them. Yeah, I don't know how well that's going to go either, but it's worth a shot, right? =) GOOD.
I'm also still working on a few drawings that people said they'd pay good money for, which might help me if they decide to spend the money on them! GOOD.
Also, I've been looking into maybe doing freelance photography, submitting some pictures to a few magazines/newspapers and seeing what comes of that. GOOD.
And then there's the whole job hunting thing that I've been working on. There have been a few opportunities that have popped up, but at the last minute, each one's been taken down. =( But there are still a few out there, I just need to put in the time to go through with it all.

There's other "fun" stuff going on in my life, but that's all about my family members. Not so good there. But I don't really have the time to get into all that right now. Maybe if I decide to blog here again, sometime. =)
Love, care, and appreciate.

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