Thursday, April 29, 2010

Good News!

I'm getting rehired full time again!
And I have five weddings coming up that I'm SO excited about! One is in Chicago and my ticket is booked! I've never been to Chicago before, so that should be really fun.
Two of the others are back to back and in NY, so I'll hopefully be going up for those.
And the last two are in my hometown, which should be fun. =)
Other than that, not too much going on over here.
I've been thinking about starting a vlog on youtube for the past two and a half years, but I don't think anyone would watch it. I don't think I'm interesting enough to hold peoples' attention for that long.
I mean, I get bored after short spurts of everything else in life, what makes me think I'd be able to keep that up for a while? Hm.
On a side note, I walked to work today, which according to Google Maps was 1.8 miles and should have taken 35 minutes. I left the house at 10:15, stopped for about 5 minutes to scratch out our address on cardboard boxes in our recycling, and then went on my merry way. I had to cross a major intersection that took about 10 minutes because the light wouldn't change. Plus the other streets I had to cross and wait for traffic. And I got to work at about 11:03. Not too bad, if I do say so myself!
Ironically, my dad's work is sort of on my route to where I work, he took a bus and left after me, and while I was walking, I saw him walking from the bus stop to the building.
That means that I was walking about as fast as the bus drove. XD
I just think that's funny. ;)
So, other than THAT.... really nothing.
Love to hear what's new in y'alls lives!