Wednesday, October 28, 2009

I Lied

Ok, it's true. I haven't had any time to do my new blog for reviews. Yeah, I stink.

Anywho, life's been kinda' crazy lately, which is why I haven't had time for blogging.
Since I've been job hunting, I've had to polish up my resume and put a portfolio together (both of which I happen to be very proud!) and both of those take a long time.
Plus all the holidays and stuff to prepare for.
And still doing the basic things like making sure dinner's on the table every night by the time my mom walks in the house, and cleaning up peoples' junk, and washing clothes, and cleaning my room.
Oh, and not managing to go to bed until 2am every night. (That HAS to stop. And yet, I say that at 2:30am. Yikes.)

So, tonight we had a small Girls Get Together with friends and it was really nice. We ate, listened to music, told stories, played games, ate some more, laughed, told jokes, ate some more... (notice a recurring theme here?) =D
After that, I got online to check a few things and order a couple of things from Kodak, and when I logged into my email, I saw a message awaiting me that had bad news written all over it.

My friend's father passed away.
He hadn't been well for a while, but it's such a heart breaking thing. Especially because she's only 21 and just got engaged last week. They moved the wedding up to Nov 10th so that he would be able to attend, but I guess that won't be happening. And of course, she lives in NY, so I can't even go over and give her a hug right now.

Gosh it sucks to be poor.

If I had the money to hop on a flight right this second, I would be there giving her a hug and not writing this blog that nobody even reads.


Oh, and I keep having dreams that I'm going to marry a certain celebrity whose name I will not divulge here. ;)

It's weird. The dreams seem to go that I meet him at a meet and greet at one of his concerts and invite him on an adventure to Shenandoah National Park with 5 rules, and he becomes intrigued and accepts:
1. He has to keep his hands to himself at all times, unless I fall and start tumbling off the side of a mountain, in which case, he may grab my hand to pull me back up. Otherwise, no physical contact.
2. He must bring a list of at least 10 of the funniest jokes/stories he's ever heard.
3. He must bring music. Lots of new music that I've never heard before.
4. I'm in charge of the food and accommodations, but he has to pitch in for the gas money.
5. He can't fall in love with me.

But of course, in these dreams, he does. Which becomes really awkward because he then tells me he would like to date me and be my boyfriend, but I tell him that we can't. And I actually use the words, "it just wouldn't work out between us." To which he asks, "why not?" To which I respond, "let me put it in the easiest words I can: you want a girlfriend; I want a husband."

And of course, there are other reasons it wouldn't work out, but since these situations are always happening in my subconscious, I'm totally not in control and the dreams shift a little and tons of weird stuff happens that has nothing to do with anything. Which is totally the story of my life.

So yeah, that's a little bit about what's been going on in my life.
So, how are you?

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

An Update...

Yeah, so I decided to start a new blog called "In A Nutshell Reviews" under the username BroccoliTofuReviews. I know that pretty much nobody reads this, however, if anyone randomly comes across this, they might be interested.
In case you couldn't tell by the title, each blog will be a review of a CD or book that I like. Mostly newer stuff, but not completely. I mean, a lot of books go unnoticed, so I figure a little review might boost it if someone reads it. =)
My taste in music is incredibly eclectic and I like to read a lot, so my reviews will be sporadic and kinda' random, but fun.
So check it out!