Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Am I Obnoxious?

I left a comment on Christa Black's most recent blog post that was HUGE.
If you're on my blog because of that response, please comment on this so I know how you feel about my comment.

I'm a very thoughtful person - that is to say, full of thought.
I'm also a writer, and sometimes I tend to write the way I think, so things come out really long. XD
I hope I didn't bother or offend you. =)

Was it too long?
Did you actually read it?
Did what I wrote actually make a difference?
Do you not care?


I Caved...

Yeah, I said I probably wouldn't post anything here, but I am.
I came to the realization that Blogger.com has no way for members to interact. [I may be incorrect in that finding, but until I hear otherwise, that's what I know...]
So for anyone who wishes to know more about me or reach me in any manner, I'd like to provide several options:

Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/broccolitofu
Glogster: http://brooque613.glogster.com/profile
DeviantArt: http://brooque613.deviantart.com/profile
Tumblr: http://lovingcaringandappreciating.tumblr.com/

I have a few other sites that I've chosen not to list here for personal reasons. However, if I get to know you well enough, I might mention them to you.


Friday, June 26, 2009

You Know, It's Funny

I have several blogs throughout the internet and I don't think anyone ever sees them. XD
I find it interesting.
I also find it interesting that I probably have about 4 accounts here on blogger.com and yet I can never remember what they are!

So I guess I'll just keep up with this one. I might post stuff here sometimes, but I think I want to mostly use this account to subscribe to other blogs that I find incredibly fascinating.

If you want to subscribe to mine, that would be really cool. And if I get enough subscribers, I might just start posting things here to entertain you all. =)

A little about me: I have a crazy life, and I love to have fun.
That's a little, right?

Well, thanks for stopping by, and maybe I'll catch ya' later. =)